Monday, November 18, 2013

Farm Update

 We still have squirrels.  Now they have decided that not only should they store the walnuts in the engines of our vehicles, but that on top is a great location.
 This was on top of the Bronco one morning.  Boyd repeatedly accused me of punking him.  Not so!  I don't need to when all the critters around are against him.
 This is what it took to get the gas can nozzle out of the tractor fuel tank.  How did it get there you ask???
Well, one day Boyd excitedly found a universal nozzle for his Gott cans.  He replaced the cracked nozzle he had and started fueling the tractor.  Yes, you got it. The nozzle fell off right inside the FULL (70 gallon) upper tank on the tractor.  Boyd used the tractor doing field work and when the tank was low enough, attempted to fish it out.  It took a flashlight on a string, wire, a pry bar and a lot of patience, but he was successful.   He was really worried that it would decompose and try to make its' way down to the lower fuel tank.   Never mind that is was only a week or so prior to this that he had the fuel tank off the tractor to do some repairs.  He wasn't in any mood to do that again.
And, I even got to help the other night by backing up tractors to unhitch and hitch up implements.  Boyd said I did it right on the first try!  Way to go me!  And, considering that I didn't smash any part of him, I would say I did a great job!
Field work is almost done.    We still have safflower to sell and just bought the best combination of corn seed for next year.  Ask Boyd about it.  I am sure he will tell you how excited he is for spring to come so he can get it planted. :)

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.