Thursday, November 21, 2013

A New Roof

There are plenty of things around here that need to be remodeled, replaced, redone.  Sadly, first priority, more important than a new bathroom, was a new roof for the goats.

Good thing my husband knows how to fix everything.  You can see that the wood was rotting and it was leaking.
 So, we replaced the rolled roofing and the wood...

 with new wood and tin roofing.
 There were a few minor injuries.  It just means I need more practice with pliers, a hammer and roofing nails.

 We even added a drip edge.

 We increased the front overhang.  Hopefully, this will help when the snow is piled high.
 My husband didn't even yell at me too often. :)  Now, that's a good days work. 

1 comment:

  1. The old goat house did look like it begged for a repair. Your husband is really good at what he does. Very professional. The new roof in particular looks great. You're going to have some happy goats over the winter.

    Vernia Kale @


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.