Sunday, August 25, 2013

On A Daily Basis

 Things have been pretty routine around here.  We sometimes head to the river, not as often as I would like. 

This is what the house area looks like from the river.

Each night we sit out under the pine trees and let the goats graze and the dogs get some attention.  Of course, Boyd plays D.J. with is iPad and portable speakers and I keep working.

 Jasmine keeps watch for intruders.

 We usually walk each night and marvel at how this pond can change color daily. 
 And, on a daily basis, this guy lets my dogs out a bit before I get home.  I really appreciate it. 
 Really, I do!!!


  1. loving the haircut and beard trim!! he looks 10 years younger!!!

  2. loving the haircut and beard trim!! he looks 10 years younger!!!


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.