Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog's Day

My life is like that Groundhog's Day movie in that it seems to repeat itself every day with the same routine.  I haven't actually seen that movie.  Mostly because that main actor, I've forgotten his name, is HIGHLY annoying.   
Nonetheless, my daily life is so redundant.  I must like it that way or I would change it.  I get up, wish that I would have ironed my clothes the night before, get ready, feed the dogs and goats, walk for the paper, bring the dogs in to give Buddy his pill and Jasmin a chance to jump on Boyd with her snowy/muddy/wet paws.  Drive to work,  work, work, work, drive home. Boyd has walked the dogs for me and has them in the house.  Say hi to everyone, go outside and feed the goats and let the dogs run until it gets cold or dark or both.  Come in the house, pet the dogs, read the paper, check my blogs and Facebook, pet the dogs, try to pay attention when Boyd rambles about another piece of equipment he wants to buy (love you hon'), feed and lock up the dogs, let the cat in who has been lurking in a tree or some other secret location watching for me to put the dogs away so he knows it is his turn.  Pet the cat, try to keep him from sticking his bum in my face as he crawls along my head, hope he takes his slobbery face over to Boyd for a turn.  Eat something and apologize to my husband for being too lazy to do the dishes, go downstairs, get in bed and watch some TV show that I don't even care about on the computer while trying to fall asleep.  Then I wake up the next morning and do it all over again.
My blog posts seem to follow the same pattern.  News about nothing and inane updates about the dogs, goats and farm life.  
It sounds like I am complaining, but really I like it. Like I said, if I didn't, I would change it. So, without further ado...
A post about goats and geese.
 Boyd attached this board in front of the hay in the hopes that those nuisance goats couldn't reach over it and pull all the hay down.  It works great so far.  I say so far because I am sure they spend their day contemplating a way to reach all that deliciousness.
Make sure to notice the geese in the trees approaching the landing.
 The geese must like routine also.  Every night since the hunt ended they come in by the hundreds.  Droves and flocks and endless streams of geese fly in from all directions.  They circle around and land in the neighbor's corn field.
 And are they EVER loud!  Unreal the noise they can make.
 Same shot of the same mountain that I always take a picture of.

 Little black specks of geese.
 Another gorgeous sunset.

Stay tuned for the next post about dogs, goats, geese or that lovely farm-boy I married.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've had a difficult time this morning. It must be too early. What I said and then inadvertently deleted is: You are SO hilarious, and you probably don't even recognize it or think you are. I love the light in the pictures.


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.