Sunday, July 17, 2011


I got a call from my mom last night informing me that it had been a week since my last post.  Now, if she still lived in Ft. Wayne, I might feel bad, but she only lives three minutes from my house.   She can come on over any time if she wants to know what dismal things are happening around here!  The good news is that the posts have been sparse because nothing catastrophic has happened. 
 We've had some double rainbows.
 I spotted the big buck again, but don't ever have my good camera with me.
 Here's what my Sunday afternoon nap looks like.

 And my wise Buddy is hanging out by the water dish after spending a good twenty minutes chasing a squirrel.
I spent today taking a lot of pictures, so stay tuned for more posts to come. 

1 comment:

  1. Your mom wasn't the only one worrying about you and your lack of posting. Good to know nothing TOO dismal was happening. :):):)


Cat and Mouse

 Well, it seems that I am feeding the stray cats in the exact location of mice.  :)