Friday, February 4, 2011

I'm Home and All Should Be Well Again

I had Parent Teacher Conferences all week.  It's my excuse for a lot of things, including the lack of posts this week.   Boyd has been in charge of my chores at night.  He doesn't like it, not one bit.   Well, that isn't exactly true, he enjoys chopping the goats' hay.   He finds it therapeutic to wield a big knife and swing wildly, spewing bits of feed from here to there.  The goats love him because he feeds them hay at his feet instead of making them wait and eat from their feeders.    What he doesn't like is dealing with the cute, lovable dogs.   Jasmine doesn't do what he wants exactly when he wants her to do it and Buddy is truly psycho, he doesn't do well when I am not home keeping the daily routine. 
I came home the first night to find my husband scowling at me from his Lazy-Boy.  Jasmine didn't hold her sit/stay when they went for the paper, she then slipped her collar when she was cabled to her dog run as a punishment.   The end result was a quick trip to the Co-op for a new collar by Boyd and detention for Jasmine the rest of the week.  She did her penance at the end of a leash.   As if this wasn't enough, that same night, Boyd had let them in the house for a bit and when he headed out to put them in their pen, Gilligan was just outside the door ready to sneak in for some attention.  Yeah, it wasn't pretty!  Poor husband.   That was followed the next night by Boyd dropping a gallon of hot water on the rug by the back door.  It's been cold again and we are back to hauling water to the animals.   By the third late night home, everyone was ready for things to get back to normal.  Ahh, it's nice to be appreciated.  However, heading out to put the dogs away, we came across Gilligan again, waiting by the gas tank.  He saw us, the dogs, the whole entourage and didn't even move!  Boyd walked the dog within feet of him and he didn't budge.   Drove Boyd crazy!    This morning however, the dogs managed to put a little fear in him by chasing him not once, but twice.  Sometimes boys of all species can be so slow to learn! 
Gilligan might not be the wisest cat, but he sure is one cute, fluffy, orange ball.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.