Friday, January 7, 2011

Manual Mode

Part of my birthday present included photo lessons, which I had today.  I learned how to shoot in manual mode among many other things.   Only time will tell if the lessons will make a difference.
 Sunset, overexposed and during an inversion.
 Same sunset, underexposed and same inversion.   Impressive, maybe not, but the fact that I knew how to change the settings is.
 Just right?
 Focus locked on the object in front.
 Same shot with the focus locked on the background.
 This happens to be my new solar light.  It can light up the goat area or into the dog pen.  I shot it at 200mm with my telephoto lens.  This is supposed to create expansion, making the things behind it look closer and larger than they are, even though it also blurring them on purpose.  Did I get that right?  I don't know.
 And the front side of the light.  I should take a picture one night and show how much it really lights up the area.  I will, the next night that doesn't have so much moisture in the air.
Finally,  I applied a filter in photoshop and got this effect.  I like it, what do you think?


  1. Looks like you are getting pretty smart. You always were!!!
    I would tell you to pass the info on to me but I would just forget in my old age!!
    Miss all of you.
    Stay warm.
    From the family black sheep!! That would be me!!

  2. I LOVE all the pictures. I thought you were a good photographer before the lessons. Now you'll have to quit your day job and go work for National Geographic or something. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Who are you taking lessons from? I took a lesson about a year ago and it was enough for me to realize that I know nothing about how to use my camera. Your pictures look great!

  4. My mom just got a new camera and I taught her how to use it yesterday. I didn't give her any of those lessons. She needs a new teacher.


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.