Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nothing New Under the Sun, Hardly

The title of the post is from one of my favorite books, Homer Price.  It is fitting, which explains why I haven't posted lately.  That and the fact that life got busier than usual and it isn't slowing down yet.   Last week, Boyd's brother passed away after eleven years fighting cancer.  The funeral was wonderful and it was fun visiting with Boyd's family, even under those circumstances.  The evening we got home from the funeral, I wrapped my canoe in a tarp for winter and watched the most gorgeous sunset.  It started pink, turned orange and ended up a beautiful red.  I don't have a picture to post because I already have so many sunset photos.  I wish I could post a panoramic shot. Okay, if I learned how to use my photoshop program, I could, but that is another story.  Anyway, that night I enjoyed this amazing sunset while petting my dogs.  Just about the time I noticed that Buddy had slipped away, I heard the sound of something large (larger than a dog) running behind me.  I jumped up to see a deer running west in the hayfield and there was Buddy right on his heels.  The craziest part is that Buddy was being followed by yet another deer.  The part I missed and would have loved to get a video of would have been Buddy stalking, slithering and sneaking up on the deer in the field.  I can just see him doing his belly crawl and ever so slowly and absolutely silently getting close enough to herd the deer.  Of course, the deer got away and lucky for me the dogs gave up the chase soon enough.  I was afraid I would have to retrieve them from somewhere in the middle of the neighbor's corn field.   In case anyone is wondering what grand design I carved into the pumpkin, wait no more.  I didn't.  I told you it has been a busy week.  I had to work Saturday because the funeral was Friday and that was a teacher work day.  I still had report cards and term end projects to complete, so I worked instead of taking leave.  So, the end result was an unceremonious toss of the pumpkin into the goat pen.  Which reminds me, thanks to Blair and Anndee for some other pumpkin donations.  The goats appreciate it!
Last night, Jen, Maggy and Laura came for a walk.  The road was still muddy and if that wasn't enough my dogs got sprayed by a skunk in a trap.  This trap hadn't caught anything all year until yesterday.  Jasmin got sprayed on the way down the lane and we wondered if she would be smart enough to leave it alone on the way back.  Nope, and Buddy joined her the second time.  No wonder Boyd calls my dogs Dumb and Dumber.  Jen wisely kept Maggy on a tight leash. Apparently, Jen and Laura have sensitive noses.  They didn't like the smell one bit and Jen complained of a headache.   Boyd has trapped plenty of skunks this year, so he is used to the smell.  Since I live with him, I am used to the smell.  Just one of the many joys of farm life.  Jen and Laura chickened out and didn't do lap two.  I took the dogs to the river for a mud bath and they braved the road traffic to finish their walk.
The other day Boyd moved the tractor only to find a rawhide bone partially buried under the tire.
Poor Jasmin needs to find a better spot to hide her loot.  She usually hides the left over homemade bread in the compost pile.  She hides squirrels in holes she digs in the bottom pastures.  I find random items in the weirdest places. 
Like the post title infers, not much new going on around here!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.