Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back in the day...

Sorry about the delay in posting.  I feel like I keep taking pictures of the same old views, so I haven't posted anything.  I plan on getting over to the South Farm soon.  Boyd told me of a certain something he has seen over there and I want to get a picture of it before we cut the corn and it is homeless.  Good news!  The corn is basically dry enough to cut!  Now, someone call China and tell them to stop messing with the price of corn so we can get the numbers back up a little before we sell.

Since I don't have anything new to post, I am going to share some old photos.
 This is my dad holding on to a deer that started charging him.  You can see it is little.  I used to like deer hunting, even though my father (who only had daughters) would make us go traipsing through the brush while the men with guns sat on the top of the ridge where they could see if we scared anything out.  He taught us what to do if we saw a moose and explained how they were dangerous if they charged at you.  Can you believe he made his little girls do this?  Can you believe we did it willingly?  Can you believe he still wanted us to do this even though we shouted, "Run deer, run!", every time we spooked one out?  And the best question of all...Where was my mother and why did she allow us to do this?  I stopped going on the hunt the year someone shot a wet doe.   My dad always hung the deer under the same Weeping Willow tree.  I took to calling it the deer spirit tree.  That scared my sisters a little.  It also annoyed my parents because I made my sisters afraid to take the trash out because they had to walk under that tree to get to the burn barrels.   Yeah, we had burn barrels and the best times were when we had aerosol cans in the fire.  Ahh, the good old days!

 This is Buddy as a puppy.  He used to belong to the Adams family until their Brewster died and I took Buddy home to live with me.
 What a cute puppy!  They used to call him Chunkers or Puppy, Puppy, Puppy!
This is Jasmine.  I don't have any puppy pictures of her.  She was one when we got her off of an ad on KSl.    She used to live a life of luxury, albeit in a teeny, tiny back yard in West Jordan.  They called her Princess.  That princess now rolls in any poop she can find, likes smelling of skunk and eats anything disgusting.  She even stashes her treasures in the goat poop compost pile.  Buddy isn't any better. The other day he killed a bird and wasn't content until he rolled all over in it and his neck was sufficiently bloody.   And we say the first "domesticated" animal was the dog?


  1. Enjoyable! Thanks for keeping us entertained!

  2. Just so you know..I am 28 and still very afraid of walking under the deer spirit tree at night. Thanks for that. -Anndee

  3. The part of the deer picture that you can't see is all of us girls standing behind each other hiding behind an aspen tree that is no bigger around than my wrist. We thought it would protect us from the deadly deer. By the way, the deer was laying down, and when Dad went to nudge it with his gun to see if it was dead, it jumped up so he grabbed its horns to save himself and to not let the deer get away.


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.