Friday, July 30, 2010

Nothing Better to Say

 Not much to talk about lately, so here goes nothing.   Every night, along our walking trail, the dogs stick their noses into a series of holes at the end of the lane.  So far, luckily, nothing has come out, so we don't know what it is.  It must be good though, because the dogs just can't get enough of sniffing and digging at it.
 We hauled 2nd crop hay this week.  The yield was about half of what we took first crop, but it isn't rained on and has very few weeds.  Anybody need some hay?   The 2-ton repair job Boyd did worked wonders!  The truck was much more stable and you didn't feel like you were going to tip over when he loaded the bales.   And we had two tractors which made it go much faster.   Ironically enough, we got the repair bill, for the tractor that was broke during first crop, on the same day we hauled the hay.  Good timing on Brigham Implement's part, we appreciated the tractor enough that we didn't cringe too much at the bill!
2nd Crop

1st Crop
 We have a small and poorly tended orchard consisting mostly of apples and apricots.  We eat very little of the fruit, which leaves a bunch of it to fall to the ground. It really attracts the squirrels, skunks, raccoons and deer.  I have been noticing apricot pits in odd places around the farm, but today was the topper.  I went to get in my car only to discover an apricot laden pile of poo close to the door.  90 acres of farm land and the raccoon has to poop inches from my car?  He's messin' with the only friend he's got on this farm.  Not smart!
   Every night I let the goats out to eat for about an hour.  They try to help vacuum up the fruit, but there's too much.  Maybe I need more goats?!

And for some unexplainable reason, the goats like to scratch themselves under the swather.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.