Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

I am tired of complaining about the weather around here, so I thought I would post about some of the livestock.  The goats are great recyclers.  They will eat just about anything, which at this time of year includes discarded Christmas trees.  After they strip them clean, including the bark, they use them as a scratching post.  The goats are nice and fat and probably ready for some fresh, green grass.  Maybe someday...


This is Fauna.  My husband refers to her as wide ride.

Wildlife Update:  Husband and I went for a walk with the dogs past the pond this evening.  I pointed out a deer on the hillside staring straight at us.  The conversation went something like this...
Me: Honey, look at the deer!
Husband:  What deer? I don't see anything.
Me:  Up there, on the hill.
Husband:  That isn't a deer.  All I see is Tamarax.
We continue walking and pick up the conversation again.
Me: Oh, look!  There is another deer.
Husband:  I don't see anything.
At which point the deer, which I am guessing were female and wanted to help me prove my point, stood up and proceeded to slowly walk off.   There were eight in all :)
And yes, my husband will be seeing the optometrist.  Friday to be exact.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.