Friday, October 11, 2019


And, then, there was one.  We started the summer with 5 cats and we are now down to 1.  

Belle passed away today.  She hasn't been really healthy for a while, but seemed to be okay and not in any pain.  She still ate, sunned herself and enjoyed attention. Yesterday morning she took a serious nose dive and we had planned to take her to the vet today and have her put down, but she beat us to it and died during the night.

 Belle was the first stray that stayed long term around here.  She showed up mostly dead and frozen one January night and just never left.

She used to fight a bit with Satan, but at some point they made a truce.  You could usually find her laying in a sunny spot somewhere in the old house. 
 Good-bye to these two... Belle and Gilligan.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.