Monday, March 11, 2019

South Farm - While the Sun Shines

We've had plenty of overcast skies, rain, snow, sleet, you name it this month.  The sun was out and it wasn't too cold, so Boyd loaded us all up and we went to the South Farm.
We had to park at the top because the road in was nothing but puddles.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

First Time to Farmington Bay

I stopped by Farmington Bay one evening after work.  It was quite an experience - traffic wise.  Seems there aren't any rules.  You can drive one either side of the road, park in the middle, stop whenever and wherever.  Quite the surprise for those of us who expected traditional driving laws to be obeyed.
 Crazy drivers aside, the view was enjoyable but not near the experience of the Bear River Bird Refuge.

 Lots of swans.
A few pelicans.

 A hawk of some sort.

 I saw less than 10 eagles total and all were VERY far away.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.