Monday, January 15, 2018

A Mouse Message

First, a sunrise from December 28th.

 I came home from work one evening, opened the car door and just about stepped on this poor dead mouse.  It was placed exactly where my driver's door lines up in the garage when I park.  I thought it was a lucky guess on the part of the cat until I walked around the car to get my work bag.
 That is when I saw the second mouse, again placed perfectly to the side of the driver's side door of the truck. I don't know what message the cat was trying to send, but his recognition of where to put the mouse to make sure it wasn't missed was spot on. 
Boyd says it is a message that we aren't giving Gilligan enough attention.  Although it might be true from the cat's perspective, from our point of view, the cat has received so much more attention recently.  Maybe it is because I have been feeding the cats the last few weeks because of Boyd's foot surgery.  I guess they can tell the difference.  Silly cats!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.