Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Sheep - 2017

I find the process of moving the sheep from the summer range to the winter so fascinating.  I was pretty disheartened when I figured out that my dentist appointment would be at the same time the sheep would likely be going down my road.

Imagine how happy I was when I was stopped right in the middle of the migration on my way to the appointment. 

It was better than sitting on the sidelines!  I could reach my hand out the window and touch them as they went past.  Of course I didn't, but I could have!

Then, I couldn't have planned it had I tried, but they were heading down Pack Hatch road on my way home from the dentist.  Perfect timing! So, once I was able to make the turn on my road, I hopped out and got a few more photos.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.