Wednesday, September 27, 2017

On the Way to Chesterfield

On Labor Day, Boyd and mom and I took a quick trip to Chesterfield, Idaho.
We stopped at Flags West for breakfast and waited FOREVER!  Then Boyd took us on a side trip past some highlights we were glad we didn't miss.

This is at a place I think is called Red Rock Pass. You can see the northern end of where Lake Bonneville once was.

 A praying mantis greeted us at the top.
 The view from the top.

 There is also a small cemetery to the side of the big hill.
 Then we found a newer site which explained all about the Bear River Massacre.

 It overlooked the valley where the massacre happened.

 These two are a good pair when visiting museums and the like.  They read EVERY word on EVERY display.

 Then we took a drive through all kinds of farmland that Boyd used to spend the summer combining. It was fun to learn of all the places he went and how they stayed in a little trailer.
He remembered this gorge that pretty much just appears out of nowhere.

 The final town before we arrived at Chesterfield.  Already forgot the name of it.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.