Friday, April 7, 2017

Another Crazy Idea!

Once upon a time I created a rock bed for my herb garden.  Boyd helped me haul in rocks we found around the farm.  I even laid down weed barrier, but it didn't stop the grass from growing up through and making me insane.  It was so hard to weed with all the rocks, ha, ha!

I eventually moved the herb garden and tried to ignore the mess left behind, until this year.

 This year, I decided to deal with the problem.  So, I moved ALL of the rocks.  Well, all of them except the big one in the foreground, that one is there for good.  The whole area was covered in rocks of all sizes from the fence on the left to the containers on the right. 

 Then, I salvaged some chicken wire and laid it out to contain my rocks.
 I made it as large as the space would allow.
 I wish these two knew how to help and not just get in the way.
 And dig holes everywhere.

 A nice view.

 A sideways shot of the new garden and some recently transplanted herbs.

 So far, I like it and I certainly hope I don't ever need to move all those rocks again!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.