Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ducks at the Refuge 4_21_17

There were so many ducks at the refuge.

 A lot of what Boyd said he thinks are Cinnamon Teal.  They were everywhere.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bird Refuge Escape 4_21_17

 We ran away from home last Friday (4/21) and took a much needed escape from reality trip around the Bird Refuge.
 The road has been closed most of the spring because of the flooding.

 One section of the road was still under water, but still passable.

 We are guessing that this a pile of debris they pulled out from the gates flowing into the refuge.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Odds and Ends

Plenty of water to share with anyone who needs some!

A video of me trying to sneak up on a bird.

And, Boyd demonstrating how difficult it is to get out from under the tractor.  It must have been a pain because he never asks for help, but in this case he asked me to bring him some tools.

Then, we have Boyd thinking he can drive his 4-Wheeler on water.  No such luck and it took every bit of chain on the farm to reach far enough to pull him out.

 Boyd got a new pressure washer for his birthday.  Then, it had issues and he had to take it to get serviced.  Apparently, he isn't alone.  The place said they have received more than their share of repair requests for these machines.  Good thing we can still return it if needed.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Cooped Up!

We've all been cooped up for FAR TOO LONG.  I can't express how rainy and wet and windy and miserable the weather has been since last fall.

It brings out the crazy in all of us.  Never thought I would see Boyd letting a dog climb on his shoulders and hang out on the top of his LazyBoy.

 Then, we've got Jasmine chasing who know what UNDERNEATH my tent. 
Any time we get a break in the weather,  I try to get my garden planted.  It kind of looks like Boyd has planted a puppy. :)  We just need to water him in and see if he grows.
 Speaking of crazy, Laddie's parents have had another litter of pups.  This little girl is such a close remake of our own pup. 
Here's a pic of Laddie as a small pup to compare. 
We've got to get some warm weather soon.  We are all going crazy!  Boyd has even mentioned we should adopt her so we could have a matched set.

At least, some of us are finding a way to burn off some pent up energy.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.