Saturday, March 18, 2017

Again - Not Neighborly Neighbors

  It shouldn't surprise me at all, yet somehow I was shocked when Boyd sent this photo.  Our odious neighbors attempted to speed up the drainage on their field by digging a trench to send their water directly on us!!!  Who does that??????
 What adds to my aggravation is the fact that they purposely leveled their fields to drain away from the river, whereas our fields drain to the river.  Our fields have mostly drained off with just a few puddles in low spots.  Our neighbors however, have not only made a choice that hurts them, but the trucking company and other houses in our neighborhood.  Because their fields drain away from the river, the water has taken out pastures and corrals and made our friends relocate their horses to higher ground.  The trucking company brought in gravel and tried to make a barricade against the water to save their truck yard.
  Boyd says karma will get them eventually, but I am struggling to be patient.  I personally wanted to hire a helicopter with a large water bucket to take the extra water coming onto our farm and drop it right on top of their heads, or house or truck or whatever would do the most damage.  Yeah, I am that vindictive. 
  Oh well!  Apparently this is just another opportunity for me to learn to control my anger and hate-filled thoughts.
Then Boyd sent me this photo.  I can not believe the river did not take these worn out old canvas chairs downstream.  Sure enough, they are still on the bank waiting for use again this summer.   We have watched enormous trees float past our place during the height of the flooding, but these chairs survived..
 This is at the edge of the dog park where we launch the boat.  Normally, this is a steep bank down to the water.  Not now, though, launching the boat would be super easy.
 Looking north to the house.  You can see the the fields have mostly drained.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.