Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Trickster Ghost

Around here we are getting pretty used to dealing with items turning up missing or moved around, even hidden for extended periods of time only to reappear when it is least expected.  We hear noises that we can't explain.  Lucky for me, the ghost(s) usually tease Boyd, but it was recently my turn to be taunted. 
I started my day at an alternative high school doing a service project cooking breakfast for the soon to be graduates.  After that, I would be spending the day at a different location for a training.  So, when I arrived at the high school parking lot, I  took my wallet out and put it in the jockey box in my car. 
At least that is what I thought I had done. 
I made it through the long day, came home for about 45 minutes before I had to head off to do visiting teaching.  I emptied my purse of all the items I had filled it with for the training, iPad, notebooks, etc. and opened the jockey box to return my wallet to where it belongs.  And, I COULDN'T find it!  I knew that is where I had put it that morning, but it WAS NOT there. 
I went in the house and frantically looked in the couch, where I had rearranged everything early that morning. I even pulled off all the cushions and no wallet.   I looked in the old house, under every part of my car, on the ground under my car, EVERYWHERE! Nothing!
I called my mom since the last time I remembered buying anything I had been with her.  She looked in her car and NOTHING!  I KNEW without a doubt that I had placed it in the jockey box that morning.  
I did my visiting teaching and tried not to worry about where my wallet ended up.  When I got home, I repeated looking all the same places I had previously looked, added looking in every vehicle I owned and REPEATEDLY, opened and closed and cleaned out the jockey box.  NOTHING!  I know that I looked in the jockey box at least 15 times.  This took me most of the night.  I headed to bed still worried about losing my wallet, but not feeling like I should cancel all my credit cards.  I did check the bank balance to make sure there weren't any crazy charges.  The only thing I could think of is that I somehow dropped my wallet in the parking lot of the high school.  
Not able to sleep, I got up around midnight intending to search the trash can outside.  Flashlight in hand, I walked past my car and decided to look in the jockey box YET AGAIN!   I could not believe it when there RIGHT ON TOP was my wallet.  How many times had I opened that jockey box and no wallet???  And, it is right there, IN PLAIN SIGHT.    You explain it because I can't!  Other than to credit the trickster ghost.  
I thanked the ghost for returning the wallet because I was on the brink of losing my mind!
My wallet inside of my purse where it should be.

What my wallet looks like.  It isn't small, probably about 8 inches long.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.