Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Signs of Spring

The river gets quite high each spring.  You can see on the left side of this image how it is creeping across the small road into the dog park.
 And how high it is along the banks.
 It eventually got so high it covered the road, and Sage wisely decided to stay on the other side. Can you see him in the shot?  He is almost camouflaged against the dirt.

Then there is this sweet dog who has already had two ticks removed from her back side and been sprayed by a skunk.  Sure signs of spring!

 I've been brushing winter hair off of anyone who holds still long enough for me to catch them.  They all should appreciate my efforts more than they do!

 Sage has decided to join us anytime we head out for a walk.  He comes with us to the river and even made a complete loop around the road and up the west end of our farm. 

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.