Saturday, April 16, 2016

Spring Break 2016

My spring break this year was March 29 and 30th.  I decided to take advantage of the fact that the students had the whole week off and add a few vacation days to my two days off since I wouldn't be correcting work and fielding phone calls.  It was a great idea in theory, the only problem was the rain. 
It kind of made me feel like Belle here.  I just wanted to huddle up in a nice warm corner and not move.
And, I often walked around the house with this look on my face.  Angry that it was raining and my list of things to do involved being outside!

And, being outside involved mud puddles of ginormous size.

We still ventured to the river and Boyd even joined us on his bike ONE time.
We also got to tend Maggy for six days.  She is just a huge bundle of energy when she is at our place.  She runs and runs and runs and runs.  She also gets into trouble because she doesn't know the rules.  She chased the cats, got in to the cat side of the old house and ate ALL the food in their dishes, and got herself cornered in the goat pen.  She is just always investigating everything.  She followed me in the goat pen, into the goat shelter and then the goat came in behind us.  I stepped out the opening past the goat, but Maggy is afraid of getting head-butted.  The look on her face was priceless when she realized she was trapped.  She even started digging at the straw in the other corner hoping to tunnel her way out.  Finally, after I laughed at her predicament long enough, I got the goat out of the way and she was free.
Buddy goes insane when Maggy retrieves in the water.  It doesn't help that the opposite bank creates quite the echo of his bark.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.