Thursday, December 31, 2015

Post Christmas Walk

 Saw this guy sitting in the top of the tree during a snow storm.
 I was pretty sure it was a bald eagle, it is time for them to be back in town.
 I managed to get a cold/flu for Christmas.  I am over the sneezing, head stuffed, runny nose stage and just have to endure the incredible muscle fatigue part.
 Since I can't go far without resting, I took the tractor to the river and down the road so the dogs could get a walk.

 They loved the chance to run and explore.

It was cold enough to freeze up the mud from a few weeks ago.  No chance of getting stuck. 

 And, we found our bald eagle friend again.

 Even the goats enjoyed some free time.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.