Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to my mom!

She's pretty amazing!

She can clean fish, skin a deer, drive a tractor and pull the best faces!

Post Christmas Walk

 Saw this guy sitting in the top of the tree during a snow storm.
 I was pretty sure it was a bald eagle, it is time for them to be back in town.
 I managed to get a cold/flu for Christmas.  I am over the sneezing, head stuffed, runny nose stage and just have to endure the incredible muscle fatigue part.
 Since I can't go far without resting, I took the tractor to the river and down the road so the dogs could get a walk.

 They loved the chance to run and explore.

It was cold enough to freeze up the mud from a few weeks ago.  No chance of getting stuck. 

 And, we found our bald eagle friend again.

 Even the goats enjoyed some free time.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Custom Designed and Handcrafted Gift

The summer my mom was on her mission in Indiana, I ended up with irrigation duty.  Boyd came to help one day, saw what we were using for a dam and created this metal dam.  It is just perfect for the ditch and the tarp lays nicely on the front and works perfectly.  No boards and bricks needed!!
My mom mentioned that she would love another one and Boyd granted her wish for Christmas.

I didn't know he had these handy magnets that hold a piece of metal at a perfect 90 degree angle.
I am going to have to borrow them sometime.

Good work husband!  I just realized I didn't take a picture of the finished new dam.  Ooops! 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Sunny Window

The cats don't make much of an appearance on the blog, mostly because they refuse to allow their picture to be taken.
However, Boyd caught Gilligan sunning himself in the window and I just happened to have my camera in hand.
He didn't stay for long, but at least I got a few images.

 Belle showed up long enough to satisfy her curious self and then they were both over the whole photo op.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.