Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter Pruning

 This wild rose bush either had to be pulled or pruned.
 Boyd and I were a bit worried that if we pulled it, the whole side of the poor 2-Ton shed would completely collapse.  Pretty sure the roots are helping hold up the delapidated building.  So, severely pruned it got.
 Jasmine was happy that she had more access to the back of the shed where the squirrels hide out.

Here is the end result.  I know that you severely prune roses each fall anyway,  so it might make it.
Or it might not.  Either way, it won't reach out and grab you as you walk down the hill or drive past in a tractor.
 This long row would be the trimmings.  Yes, my arms ached that night!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.