Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy Birthday to Buddy!

Happy Birthday to my Buddy!
 My protector and loyal friend.
 He likes Boyd, wants Boyd to pet him, walk him and give him treats, but he most certainly claims me as his master.
 He's my goat herder and usually can be found at my side and too often under foot.
 He's thirteen today!  And he is beginning to act older, more than I want to admit.

 Boyd says he is the most expensive free dog ever.  I took him from the Adam's family when Brewster died.  Buddy has cost us $$$$ money in vet bills and even tractor and vehicle repairs when he goes all out trying to get a squirrel.
 I don't even think I posted about the most recent damage he caused trying to get a squirrel out of the tractor.  The worst part was, Boyd allowed it.  He knew Buddy was trying to get at a squirrel (that Boyd thought had long gone), but Boyd didn't believe he could cause any damage, even stating, "Tractors are built different than trucks. He'll have a hard time chewing through anything on that tractor."   Famous last words.   I don't remember what he chewed through, or how much it cost, but the whole experience ended with an EXTREMELY ANGRY husband, a banished dog, an "I told you so and don't be mad at the dog" wife,  $$$$ and many hours repairing the damage, not to mention one dead squirrel that really was in the tractor.    Never doubt my dog!
Even though he is not exactly normal (my mom calls him Psycho),  I hope he can last a few more years anyway.

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Cat and Mouse

 Well, it seems that I am feeding the stray cats in the exact location of mice.  :)