Thursday, July 17, 2014

Farm Update

Nice lovely yellow streak of dead corn right down the middle of the field.   

Maybe we're starting our own corn maze?    Nope!

Maybe Boyd took an errant path through the field when he was spraying ditches?  Nope!

Maybe aliens made crop circles in our field?  Nope!

Maybe the tank on the spreader split wide open when Boyd was side-dressing the corn with liquid fertilizer?   YEP!

He made his way out of the field as fast as he could, but he couldn't help but leave a trail of destruction and death in his wake.  250 gallons of fertilizer from a tank that holds 500 gallons wasted. 

The good news is, the rest of the corn is growing fabulously.  I will get some good shots posted soon that show the height of the stalks, some are almost 9ft tall now.  Hoping that we set a good amount of ears.  A few stalks are already coming out in tassel and forming ears. 

We (meaning Boyd) is on round two of watering. 

In other news, we sold all of 1st crop hay and just finished cutting 2nd crop.  We didn't even lose a VERY stupid Golden Retrieve who thought it was a great idea to follow right behind the swather even though her frantic owner was screaming for her to get out of the field.  That dumb dog does what she wants and following RIGHT behind the swather was her idea of a good time.  I was hoarse, had a racing heart beating out of my chest and socks full of fox-tails and stained green from fresh cut alfalfa by the time I got her to come to the house.  I was grateful and furious at the exact same moment.  And, to think that I went out to lock up the goats so they wouldn't be in the way.  The goats have enough sense to move AWAY from loud, churning, dangerous moving objects.

Here's hoping that the hay gets baled without a rainstorm.  Then here's hoping that after it is baled, we get a nice rain to help the safflower along.

More farm updates to come.  More posts to come.  My husband gently reminded me that I am failing. 

1 comment:

  1. You are not failing--you are probably just busy like the rest of us. Maybe you could call your corn crop skunk corn--with a lovely stripe down the middle--I know lame humor:)


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.