Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Recovery

Today makes one week since I came home from the hospital.

I am just documenting the events here, so I can remember them.

I really have felt pretty good overall.  Tuesday morning, while still in the hospital and after another dose of anti-nausea and the decision with the PA to switch from Norco to Percocet, they helped me in to a chair and left me to eat my breakfast. The breakfast wasn't all that tasty and it hurt to sit up. Before I had a chance to lay down, I was off for an X-ray, that wouldn't have been a big deal, the ride in the wheelchair all over the hospital was rather interesting.  But, the problem was when they asked me to lay on my back on the metal X-ray table.  Ummm, I don't think so!  I hadn't even been 24 hrs post surgery at this point.  I managed to get on the table, but it hurt!  It hurt to lay on the incision and I had a shooting pain going down the back side of my right leg.  I was shaking from the pain and the tech was very nice, but insisted that I hold still.  You have got to be kidding!   After one on the back, they had me turn on my left side which was much more tolerable.
Once back in the room and before I could get back in bed, the physical therapist showed up.  So, I did my first lap around the hospital wing.  I did pretty good considering that walking 150 ft was one item on the checklist to be discharged from the hospital and on my first try I walked 120 ft.   I could have done more, but the therapist had other patients to walk. :)
It felt good to finally get a chance to rest. 
Tuesday I had many visitors come.  It was fun to visit with everyone and made the day fly by.   Throughout Tuesday, my right thigh developed a huge and painful cramp.  Early Wednesday morning, like 4:00 a.m. it was so bad I asked the nurse to please let me walk it off.  My bed had an alarm on it, so I couldn't stand up on my own, or get off the bed without setting off what sounded like a fire alarm. I know that if I could have walked more, the cramp would have eased sooner.
Wednesday morning I was allowed a shower.  Man, did that feel good!  Even though I had to sit for the shower and the chair had a big hole in it like a toilet, it felt amazing.  Not long after I was dressed in another lovely hospital gown, the doctor came in.  I told him I was feeling great ready to go home a day early!
He looked at the board and noticed that Tuesday afternoon I had walked 300 ft and done the stairs.  He was impressed and I was soon discharged!
Before I could actually leave, I did another walk with the PT.  This time we went much farther, including a trip to the rehab room at the hospital.  I had the catheter removed, got dressed and waited for my discharge instructions.
Getting in to a vehicle was interesting.  I am not supposed to bend or twist and I still haven't figured out how to do that while getting in a car.  Then, on our way home, we stopped and Home Depot and Boyd ran in to buy a grabber tool.  It has been well worth the money!

Once home, there was a bit of adjusting. My mom and husband have been so good to help.  My sister and niece came over and helped clean the house on Saturday.
I improve by leaps and bounds everyday.  I can walk farther and faster each day.  I made 1/2 a mile walk yesterday in one go round.  I walk out to the dogs and goats a couple of times a day at least.  I walk all over the house.  I went to church on Sunday (not sacrament) and a Stake meeting last night.
I have decreased the pain meds and only take 2 percocet per day.

One of the most painful things actually is this blister on my thigh.  It happened from the rubber part of the TED hose.  It rubbed the whole first night, I could feel it, but couldn't do anything about it.  The next morning, I tried to carefully separate the rubber from the TED hose from my skin.  OUCH!
The bruise on the inside of my right wrist from the arterial line.  I guess they use this to have constant information on my blood pressure.

We have also made a few adaptations.
I took over one of the chairs from the office and use it at the kitchen table, to roll and open the freezer, etc.
Boyd placed a bale of straw under the dog food cans and now it is so much easier to get to the food.
 And, we bought this grabber tool (on the left) even though we had this old coal clinker remover that we could have used (on the right). :)

All things considered, I am recovering quickly.  I am so blessed and thankful!!!

1 comment:

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.