Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Winter Break Walk Round 1

Here's a little Christmas miracle for you, I actually got home one day in time to walk before it got too dark.  The Friday that our Christmas break started, we were allowed to leave early.  Now, that deserves a "Hallelujah!".
So, I grabbed my dogs and even brought Maggie along as an early Christmas present for her and we convinced Boyd to join us.  He usually walks my dogs for me every night and one night walked Maggie because she escaped her yard and joined in the fun.
I took the camera and ended up with a jillion photos, so this is just round one.  More rounds to come.

Speaking of Maggie...  This dog has so much energy and LOVES to hang out with us.  Good thing that when she escapes, she eventually ends up here.  So, as long as she can cross the road safely there isn't much danger.
 Seriously, she can't contain her enthusiasm.

Buddy shivers.  We don't know if he is cold or not.  He did the same thing during the summer.  But, just to be safe, I devised this coat.  Makes him look like a pack mule, but whatever.  It does keep him warmer. 

 On this walk, Jasmine came running full speed behind me and knocked me right off my feet and flat on my back with camera in hand.  Not good for the camera.  Plus, I have been having major back issues.  I thought for sure that would have finished off my herniated disc, but oddly, it seemed to help.  Didn't help my knee, but the back felt better for a bit.
This ends round one.  Get comfy because this is only the beginning of photos taken on just one walk.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.