Saturday, April 6, 2013

Maggie Runs Away

Maggie came to visit the other night.  I first saw her trotting down the hill headed towards the river.  I thought someone must be over walking, but I never saw a human with her.  I finally called out to her and she ran up the hill as happy as can be. 
 I had the goats out at the time and so Maggie and Jasmin took advantage of the abundant goat poop buffet.

 The day before I had invited Maggie over and we all went to the river to play.

 She loves to fetch SOOOOOOOO  much!

Maybe she just thinks it is her second home or it is just too much to resist, but I suppose if she is going to run away, she might as well come here. 

I called and finally got an Adams to answer.  Here is Justin leaving his driveway to come get her.
 And here is the poor girl loaded in the back and headed home. 

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.