Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to ...

Laura, Sybil and Eileen
All three had birthdays this month. 
 (hey, just be glad I didn't post any pictures)

Not much worth blogging about on the farm.
I need to plant my early vegetables, but it is windy and I am lazy.  
Someone, however, is very busy.  This nest seems to grow in size daily.  I think it is the home to Magpies, but I am not certain. 

I took my camera with me one morning on my way out to do chores and this is all I got.

 The temple will probably be finished this summer.  They already have trees and other landscaping items being done.
While I took this shot an eagle flew by.   Didn't get a good picture of him, but maybe I will start seeing more of them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Little Announcement


Can you believe it?

 Yes, it's true.  Our newest tractor is a long lost twin, finally reunited with his brother.
 They aren't identical, they weren't even born in the same year.   Can you guess which one is the oldest?  Enter your guess as a comment.  One has weights on the front and one doesn't, so make your guess.

Boyd had a chance to finish the plowing Friday morning early.  By early, I mean he left me at 2:30 a.m. and headed out while the ground was slightly frozen, but not sticky.  The videos below (second to be posted when I have internet speed) are filmed on location.  I guess the plowing is contagious since his cousin came out about 6:00 a.m. and worked in his own field.  Boyd has been trying to finish this since the corn came off in November, but the weather didn't cooperate.  Good news this time, nothing broke!

 And completely unrelated, the goats finally have a new salt lick.  I feel so bad because I forgot about getting them a new one for months.  It just dawned on my one morning that they didn't have one. Thanks to my nice husband, they got one on Valentine's day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Hi all,
    At the risk of this post causing the demise of my marriage and with a promise that it won't be mushy, here is a tribute to my Valentine.  (P.S. Husband, you can start your own blog and post pictures of me.  It is a free country, you know.)

And, in case you were doubting that he is my true Valentine, he reminded me this morning that he really is a Valentine.  Valentine was his grandmother's maiden name. :)    Not everyone can say that!

In no particular order...

 I love my husband because he is very creative and inventive.  He made this frame so that my mom could easily dam the irrigation water.
Oh, he is plenty silly and this isn't even the best face he can pull.  You should see him do his Steve Martin impersonation.

 I love all the crazy adventures he has taken me on.  You never know where you will end up if you climb in the Bronco.  Be warned!
 He gets himself into plenty of sticky situations, but they always make for a good story afterwards.
 Did I mention he is a little crazy?
 How many people have a street named after them in their favorite town with their favorite hotel within walking distance???
 He does like kids, don't let him fool you.

 Yes, I do believe he has owned cars he loves more than me.

 He told me that he says, "Hey, watch this" followed by him doing something stupid and breaking himself or something a lot less now that he is married.

 Thanks for letting me and the dogs and the goats be part of your life!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Sunday

We are such fans of football, here is what we did to enjoy the big game...

We got as far away from the hype as we could.

A nice quiet drive out to the bird refuge was just the ticket.
 And we found geese!

 The ice was making a lot of groaning noises.  Rather odd and spooky.

 Goose droppings galore.

 Swan? Pelican?
 A surprise Jasmin found.

 And Boyd spotted the first Bald Eagle and then I found one more.

 GSL where Ford once worked.

A Little Known Fact

We have a piece of land (about 8+ acres) that is accessible only to the truly adventurous.  You either have to wade, swim, or wait for a good hard freeze to get to it.
I have only set foot on it once.  Boyd happened to wander over there one day when the water was hard and the getting there was easier.
 The fence post is sucking water out of the ground, what is left is salt on the post.

 The fence line of the property looking west.

 Looking east.
 The reason why it is hard to access.
 The view of the land from the canal road.  Check out the mess you have to cross to get there.

 It is basically triangular shaped.  The property ends at the big bunch of trees on the right of the photo.

 This was my view when I decided that I didn't want to get across bad enough.
 And, the off road vehicle that got us that far.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.