Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm Trying

I'm trying to be better at blogging. My husband blames it on my job.  Maybe that is the problem.  My job is using up every brain cell I have and then some.  I love my new job, every aspect of it, but it is more than I can keep up with right now. I was bored before, not any more!  I also think my lack of posting might partially be due to the fact that my mom isn't far away in Indiana anymore.  I blogged because I thought it kept her sane.  I suppose the reasons really don't matter, I just need to get back in gear and take more photos.  

So, shall we move on to snakes now?    I know I have blogged about this before, but here it is again.  This poor snake escaped at least four times.  I hope it made it to safety.  
Snake sighting #1:  Jasmin happily trots up to the old house and drops it to the side of the tractor Boyd is working on and plops down beside it.  The snake is right side up and survives not only Jasmin, but Buddy playing with it.  I distract them and we move away for about 15 minutes.  
Snake sighting #2:  Came back and the snake was no longer in front of the tractor.  I think all is well, until Jasmin comes again and plops the snake in the same spot.  This time upside down.   I am certain it is dead by now so I give up.  We leave the scene again.
Snake sighting #3:  To my surprise the snake is now in front of the red trailer.  How it flipped itself over and made it that far, I don't know.  Jasmin is messing with it again and I make her leave.  
Not a very exciting story, I know, but it is the best I have for today.

Someone moved more than 1,000 sheep down our road and I didn't see it.  I am so sad about it. 
And I tried to get some great sunset shots, but all I got were mediocre shots because the light was pathetic. 

Birds, yep, nothing more to say.

1 comment:

  1. I love that shot of circles in the water, and also the third one below it of weeds close up. You have a great photographer's eye.


Cat and Mouse

 Well, it seems that I am feeding the stray cats in the exact location of mice.  :)