Friday, July 29, 2011

Ever Have One of Those Days?

 Never brag about boredom as I did in the last post.  Here's what happens when life is going along pretty mellow.  This kind of day only happens to my husband.
 This account as told by Boyd

Once on a morning fair I ventured forth to seek my fortune and fame.  I headed to the South Farm to see how things looked and see how much money I was going to make today. I noticed excess water leaking from the canal in the spot where we had previously installed a new drain. Upon further inspection I noticed we had our own Old Faithful only instead of going up, it was going sideways.  We discovered that there was a rat hole in the canal. The water was gushing out of the canal and flowing straight down into our newly installed pipe going underneath and coming out and then hitting the edge of the ditch and draining back through the pipe and out to the slew.  This had to stop!  So the first people I called was the canal company and I just warned them that the $1000 extra that we had to spend to prevent muskrats from digging down to find out newly installed pipe had not worked at all.  We had to get the neighbor to turn his irrigation water down and the hole was about 10 inches down under the level of the canal.  We ran to get a canvas and threw over it, called the man who helped us install the pipe and he notified us that his backhoe was in Cache Valley and was going to be of no use, but he would be willing to come out.  As he sat there and watched the water drain out the hole, he kept trying to tell us how to fix it.  Well, the only problem was I kept asking him is there anything you can do, is there a machine you can borrow? Are you going to go get yours? Instead, he just sat and watched the water go down in the canal and out the pipe.  After a while I just finally had to say, "okay" and we called the canal company again and they had to send someone out who dug down, found the hole, compacted it and the whole thing was taken care of in about an hour.

As far as my account...  I got a call from Boyd telling me to be prepared to spend thousands because the canal was leaking bad and it was because of our new drain.   I was just sick!  Really?   All I said was don't hire so and so.  He agreed.  Next phone call said that the guy we wanted to fix it couldn't and he had to hire so and so after all.  UGGGHHHHH!   Now, I am even more upset and sick to my stomach than before.   So, I wait and wait to hear from Boyd again.  When he finally calls, the guy I didn't want to fix it actually did a great job and said he would bill the canal company and not us.  The canal company could then decide if they would pay it or pass it on to us and that it would only be about $400.  Later that afternoon the canal company called to say that they were going to pay it and not to worry.  So, after a day of worrying, it all turned out fine.  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Today On The Farm

 A while ago I posted the above picture of my hammock.  Sadly, I don't get to spend much time relaxing in it.  I took a minute today and took a few shots of what I could see from my reclined position in the hot sun.
 There really are goats behind the weeds.

 The temple can be seen in the distance.

 My husband is bouncing like crazy working the weeds under in the field.

 No, I didn't see him from the hammock, but rather on our nightly walks.  We usually see a snake and a few deer.    Tonight, Jess spotted the snake first and freaked.  The snake slithered away from us, but towards the dogs.  When given the choice, it came back towards us.  I guess three girls are safer than three dogs.  Good choice, snake!
We walk almost every night, but something must have been different out tonight.  Buddy stopped at the culvert and started some eerie barking.  It freaked out the humans for certain and the other two dogs stopped dead in their tracks and listened to Buddy.  The dogs all stared out towards the weed covered field. It seemed he was warning all of us about something.  I called him over and he wagged his tail.  He seemed to be over it and so we went on.  Anyone who has been following the blog for a while is expecting some spooky experience or dangerous adventure, but nope.  Nothing happened.  Life around here has been pleasantly boring for a long time and I am not asking for it to change one bit.  Boring is good in my book.

 This pond is called "Duck, No Duck" because we play the odds on whether ducks will fly out of it or not.   It has also been named "Skunk Pond", but thankfully it hasn't earned that name in a while.

 The pond below is called, "Frog Pond" because, you guessed it, it has frogs in it.  Aren't we a creative bunch?
All pictures taken with my iPhone because I am too lazy to carry around a real camera.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Doofus X 2

This post and photos brought to you by Boyd.
Boyd had a great, funny version of what happened that he told me yesterday while I was waiting for the photos to upload.  He won't repeat it and I don't remember it.  Basically, he got the disc stuck not once, but twice.  You can e-mail him at and bother, harass and otherwise annoy him for not re-telling the story for this post.

Using a chain and loader to lift the hitch of the disc.

View from the cab.

These weeds are well over 6' high.
 Just a perspective shot so you can see how tall the tractor is compared to my 6' husband.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back at the Dog Park

It's been a long time since we could get to the dog park without wading through a muddy field covered with 2 feet or so of water.  Now all that is left is this area and it has drained down to almost nothing.

 The dog park doesn't look the same, it is a crusted old lake bed now.
 The receding water seems to have left a lot of pungent carcasses to roll around on for the dogs.

 Like I said, plenty to roll in.

And, yet again.

Where I built my summer home last year.  It would have had to be a houseboat this year!
A bird.
The dog zoning in on the bird.
And more weeds.
A pile of sticks washed up in the field.

   We'll be making up for lost time.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.