Sunday, June 19, 2011

Around Here

  Thanks to those who comment and especially those who requested a friendship application.  I am glad that after all you know about me, you still want to be my friend!   
Nothing much new around here.  Saturday I was lazy and tired and so I was lounging out on the lawn.  Boyd decided to come join me and try out his new chair.  While we were hanging out, he made some comment about how we needed to take off a few limbs of the pine tree that were almost touching the ground.   So, I mustered enough energy to get up and go get the pole pruner.  When I got back, Boyd looked at me with an expression of dismay and then made some comment about how he could have spent all summer mentioning that he was going to "get around to trimming those limbs",  instead, he did it right then.  Here he is relaxing in his chair after he finished.

 And Jasmin giving him a big kiss!  She loves him almost as much as I do.

 He loves her too because he pets her even when he is sleeping.  I also want to add before he yells at me for posting pictures of him that he can take pictures of me and post them any time he wants. I would be happy to show him how.
 Cool looking pine cones from the poor limb that had to come down.

 And finally, shots of the light on the water tonight.

 The snowball bush that is at the end of its' season, but still blooming strong.
 The temple view from our house.  I will get my tripod out and get some better shots some day soon.


  1. I'm surprised you can see the temple from your place. For some reason I thought you were way outside of Brigham. I haven't seen the temple since February...when there was nothing much to see! Nice pictures. I read all your posts...I'm just not great at commenting :)

  2. Enjoyed the last few posts. I just got back from Logan. Devin and Emily had their baby--two weeks early. I've been up pretty much all night, with only a couple of hours of fitful rest. I'll send details later. Keep blogging!!! Love to read about ALL the adventures, large and small, that you, Boyd, and all the critters have.


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.