Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011


A video clip of Boyd cleaning the ditches.  I so could never do this!!!  Too chicken!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Odds and Ends

I haven't been good at posting lately and have a small list of random happenings around here.
First off, before I went to Indiana I had baby robins living in the chicken coop.  You'll remember the parents would dive bomb my head whenever I needed to get anything.  Well, you'll be happy to know they grew wings and flew off while I was gone.  Boyd saw one flapping around and I knew they would be able to fly while I was gone because of the rapid changes I noticed in them. 
I took Buddy to the vet yesterday because his seizures are happening more frequently. I figured it was time to start treatment.  Before I went I continued my research into possible causes and came upon some interesting info regarding Ivermectin (heartworm preventative) and seizures in herding dogs, especially white-footed breeds.  That definitely described Buddy.   So, I went prepared to talk with the vet about it considering that his seizures began not long after I started using Heartguard.   The vet is a really nice guy even though he dismissed the "rumors" as I figured he would.  However, I asked him if the other preventatives were just as effective and if so, I would like to switch just to eliminate the possibility.   He suggested we try Interceptor for a few months and see if the seizures slow or stop.  Then, we can start the seizure medication if needed at a later time.  So, we'll see what happens.
We haven't seen much of the turkey since Boyd cut hay and ran over two nests.  One nest only had one egg, but the other had 8.  It was really close to the house when you consider all the land available for making a nest.  I felt bad for the turkey, but really??  We have acres of pasture with 4 ft high weeds that would be undisturbed and the turkey chooses to lay the eggs in the hay by the house.  I don't get it.   Jasmin should have a nice shiny coat as she enjoyed eating each and every egg.

 After Boyd finished cutting the hay, he parked the tractor at the top of the hill so he could clean off the swather.   Next time he came out it was gone.  Really!   The tractor had managed to roll quite a ways down the hill.  Not the best picture, but look at the left front tire.  It is heading off the road and right for the steep hillside.  Not only would it have crashed, but ended in a muddy bog at the bottom.  Lucky we caught it where we did.  It was still rolling slowly when I took the picture.
 Nena's goat just had twins. So cute!  Just not the best pictures. 
 Also, I have been busy getting a  new job.  After 20 years of teaching 6th grade I have made a change,  I will be writing digital curriculum for my district.  Instead of working 10 months, I will be working 12.  So much for a summer off!
Now I'm off to leash up some goats and let them eat the mighty tall weeds we have around here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm the loser!

Today is the first day of summer and the day I begin to lose every year.   Lose what?  The game of gaining/losing daylight that Boyd and I play each year.   He gets to be the winner from now until Dec 21st.  Check out this post for a better explanation wherein-i-begin-to-win-again
No great pictures for today except a shot of the cotton on the water.  Man, the cottonwood tree is busy this year.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Around Here

  Thanks to those who comment and especially those who requested a friendship application.  I am glad that after all you know about me, you still want to be my friend!   
Nothing much new around here.  Saturday I was lazy and tired and so I was lounging out on the lawn.  Boyd decided to come join me and try out his new chair.  While we were hanging out, he made some comment about how we needed to take off a few limbs of the pine tree that were almost touching the ground.   So, I mustered enough energy to get up and go get the pole pruner.  When I got back, Boyd looked at me with an expression of dismay and then made some comment about how he could have spent all summer mentioning that he was going to "get around to trimming those limbs",  instead, he did it right then.  Here he is relaxing in his chair after he finished.

 And Jasmin giving him a big kiss!  She loves him almost as much as I do.

 He loves her too because he pets her even when he is sleeping.  I also want to add before he yells at me for posting pictures of him that he can take pictures of me and post them any time he wants. I would be happy to show him how.
 Cool looking pine cones from the poor limb that had to come down.

 And finally, shots of the light on the water tonight.

 The snowball bush that is at the end of its' season, but still blooming strong.
 The temple view from our house.  I will get my tripod out and get some better shots some day soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Finally Friday

Not that it really matters what day it is now that I am off for the summer, but it is finally Friday.
The turkey that Jasmin tree'd multiple times the other day.  When I say it flies to the top of the trees, I mean it flies to the top of the trees.  Here it is at the very tippy-top of our huge pine tree.

 I was up and outside before 6:00 am this morning because Boyd had to drive his nieces and nephew as they ran the Ragnar.   Lucky guy!  So, here are some shots of early morning light on the farm.

 And, I took some pictures of the sunset when I got home from picking him up in Morgan.  The crowds were crazy this year and he had a stressful day of it.

 While Boyd was gone I filled the boxes we built yesterday and planted.  FINALLY!!!  You can see the peas in the background.  I planted them on March 15th and I just now have blossoms.
 The mini tombstones are seed markers.
 Roses from my Grandma Blanche's bushes.
 And an herb thrown in for good measure.

 Lots of sunsets.  It has been awhile since I posted an over abundance of sunsets.

 My garden helper.   She has been my little shadow since I got back.

 And Bud doing his job.

Goodnight all!

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.