Sunday, May 15, 2011


Saturday morning Boyd asked me what bizarre things awaited us for the day.  I wish I could say I thought he was kidding, but I knew he was completely serious.  Bizarre things always seem to be lurking around the corner.
  • First thing...  I took my habitual walk down the lane for the paper only to be scared out of my wits by a whooshing sound and a brown blur brushing past my leg and heading straight for Buddy who was obediently waiting for me.  It turned out to simply be Maggie, but man did she scare me!  She wasn't supposed to be loose at all and it turns out the side gate had been left open and she must have decided to come for a visit when she saw us at the corner. 
  • Not too long after that, Buddy shows up with blood on his neck and Jasmin has a mouth full of baby birds. 

  •  The birds fell out of the granary because the WIND is constantly BLOWING around here.   Poor babies.
  • I went to get something out of the chicken coop to find this bird staring me down.  She let me take a picture until I took one step too close and she flew at my head before she went out.  Yes, she built the nest on my landscape rake.  I don't know what I'll do when I need the rake.
  •  And then, another turkey, the same turkey, (I don't know) came strutting through the bottom of the pasture and right past Jasmin.  She took off after him, he ran up the hill and flew into a pine tree AGAIN.   
  • Also, completely random, a friend Susan Flamm Sutton from my college days stopped by for a visit.  She lives in Idaho and was down to a volleyball tournament for her daughter.  We had a great visit, but talk about completely unexpected!
  • And not exactly bizarre, but I put the dog kennel together and let the goats in to eat the grass.  They don't like being contained and probably won't enter through the gate ever again.  
 I am sure other bizarre things happened, but that was a whole day ago and I have forgotten them.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.