Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fascinating Fox

We occasionally see a fox on the farm.  Lately, we have seen one particular fox often.  I find the fox fascinating to watch and I wish I understood what it was doing.  Saturday it ran west with a bird in its mouth right before the snow started and then ran back east without the bird minutes later.  I took a lot of photos and they aren't that great because it was so far away.
This is a shot of the fox running back during the snow storm.
On Sunday, the dogs and I encountered the fox on the walking trail.  I didn't have a leash with me and didn't want a confrontation, so I contained the dogs with my sweatshirt.  We had a stand off until the fox decided to turn around and head back the way it came.  

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.