Wednesday, February 27, 2013


 Nine degrees this morning.
 It warms up a bit in the day, but still gets awfully cold at night.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Light Night

 Last Friday night I had a couple of friends over to play with light and photography.
 These pictures we made by putting steel wool in a wire whisk and having two volunteers (Boyd and my friends' brother) whing the whisk on a chain.

 On this shot below, I panned my camera.  On the above shots, I held the camera still and set the shutter open for a few seconds.

 These were taken by taping LED lights to a paint roller attached to a stool and spinning rapidly.

 These are glow sticks and that is me running up the lane.

 Here we used brother again.  We took a glow stick and made patterns.

 LaLine drew this one.
 I drew this one.
 And this one.
 And this one.
 I think LaLine did this one.

 This is me with the steel wool again behind the tree and by now our lenses were frost covered.  It got COLD!  We were outside for about two hours.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Yep, here I am posting about the weather AGAIN! 
It is still cold, morning lows are in the teens, low teens. 
I got so sick of the snow, I decided to scoop it all out of the goat pen.  Hoping that there will be less to melt.  And, now we have a snow storm in the forecast for the rest of the week.  Lovely!

I tried to make the best of it one morning and took some more pictures.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.