Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunsets Galore

 A ridiculous amount of sunset photos I found on my camera.

A Little Bit of Springtime!

 My Visiting Teachers gave me a daisy a few months ago. 
 They each had one and they couldn't keep them alive.
 Mine is not only alive, but has bloomed twice now thanks to a great kitchen window.
 I love seeing the blooms on the plants in my windowsill.
 It is like a little burst of spring with snow and cold outside.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was beautiful, fog and all.
Boyd cooked breakfast and we had some of the family over.
 We took it easy the rest of the day which was the best gift of all!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


 Light, fluffy, powdery snow!
 Almost 7 inches of it.
 Did you notice my new watermark?
 Not that anyone would copy my photos, but it is easy to add in the upload process.
 Boyd says he needs a bigger blade.

 Our snowball bush covered in snowballs, the winter variety.
Hopefully, we will have some sledding photos after this great snowfall.

Christmas Eve

Simply Gorgeous!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

We're Moving!

Well, the blog is at least.   Blogger says I am out of space.   Crazy thing is a whole bunch of people are having the same problem.  That makes it a Blogger issue.  I have waited more than a week for them to solve the problem, but nothing.

Because of that, I have moved all my posts over to Wordpress.  I actually started a blog on Wordpress a couple of years ago, but didn't do much with it. 

So, please head on over to  and check out the new home of the Dismal Land and Livestock Report.  You can expect a lot of remodeling to happen.  Wordpress has SO many themes and widgets.  I will probably make everyone crazy with all the options.   Feel free to give your input on what you like and what makes it hard to read.   Thanks!

It's December!

Today is December 1st.   Too bad it doesn’t look a bit like Christmas around here. The photos are from a random day in November that it actually snowed.  Otherwise, it has been unseasonably warm, mostly dry and seems more like fall than early winter.  I am not complaining, mind you.  It is much easier to do my chores when the water isn’t frozen and I don’t have to push snow.

It would be nice to have snow for Christmas, but other than that, no thanks!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from the Dismal Land and Livestock Company.

This is what our Thanksgiving morning looked like.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Warning Call

The call went something like this.

Boyd:  I just thought I should warn you before you get home that Buddy is covered in blood.
Me:  What?

Boyd:  It isn't his blood, it's the squirrel's.
Me: What?

Boyd:  Yeah, he was eating it until Jasmine came and stole it and now she is eating what's left.
Me: What?

And, in case the conversation has left you confused, here are some photos to clear things up.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

2:8 60 mm Macro

I took these photos with my new macro lens, a gift from my husband.   And I played with some photo editing software.

Straight out of camera SOOC
After editing



After edit
different edit

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.